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Old 07-08-2016, 02:56 PM   #6
burnin oil
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Re: Another oil question (I know I know)

Running it straight would be a waste of money in my opinion. There is plenty of zinc in a bottle to cushion everything. I have said it before but Cummins still come with flat tappet cams and run low revs with 15w40. It has more heavy metals than the normal off the shelf motor oils but has been seriously reduced in the past decade. If those guys are running around for 200k+ miles without major cam issues I think you will be fine. Breaking in a cam has always been the issue and life afterwards has been pretty easy after that. In other words it has to make it past the first couple hundred miles and it should live a long life after that. I still run solid cams in my motors and knock on wood, the only cams I have lost were hydraulics. Some really smart people will chime in here and say that the diesel cams don't have the loads imparted on them like a high reving gasser and they are correct. Then they will say that you should have went roller to free up a couple HP and reap all the benefits including quicker lift rates. I just replaced my 400sb in the daily and put a used solid circle track cam back in the motor. It had a really good wear pattern after about 10k miles and I really liked the power band so I reused it. The only reason it came out of the old motor was that the compression wasn't high enough for the cam and I tried a handful of others over the motors life. Compression issue is now fixed and she should be a lot happier. Other than break in that cam only saw 15w40 as did all the other solid cams in that motor.
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