frame swaps are not a fad but they are often attempted by noobs that read fasttoys thread and think 'i can do this'
as fasttoys mentions 'A frame swap is not for the faint at heart and a strong welding and fabricating skill set is a must.'
ebay and craigslist are full of frame swaps with ''over $20k invested all it lacks is finishing''
the original poster gives no indication on his skill set for welding, fabrication and electrical
typically if you have to ask about a frame swap, you don't have the skill set required
look back 5 years at frame swaps: while some have been finished, probably 80% did not
the projects start out strong with 5 buds helping and great progress each week
then the money fades, the help fades and eventually the project also fades
frame swaps are neither an easy nor cheap alternative to fixing and maintaining your truck
if your thinking about a frame swap make sure you have the proper skill set or the intelligence to learn
have space to work: 2 trucks scattered to the wind takes up space
tools: other than the obvious mechanics tools, you need a welder and know how to weld, learning to weld on a frame makes bad sense
some money in the bank helps too