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Old 07-10-2016, 10:16 PM   #152
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Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

I rarely take a weekday off but this was time with family so I wouldn't trade it for nothing. Unfortunately my work still has to get done so the short week that followed was very hectic.
Combine that with a buyer for my 2013 Sierra came along. After he saw how clean the truck was, he was anxious to close the deal. I spent all of Saturday showing the truck then driving 48 mile to his Credit Union and signing papers. We wrapped things up and I have one less truck in my driveway.

That means I can focus on Scarlett once again. Now where were we? Oh yeah, the transmission needs serviced and painted. Since the pan gasket was leaking and I had no idea when it was last serviced I wanted to change the fluid and filter. I have no idea why GM doesn't put a drain plug in the transmission pan but I do know it's a guarantee your going to make a mess when you drop it.
The bad news is we made a big mess even with two drain pans. The good news is I discovered that the transmission had been recently rebuilt. Based on a new torque converter, filter, and gasket I was able to search and find it was a fresh build.
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"Jake" the 84 to 74 crewcab

"Elwood" the77_Remix

85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

"Refining Sierra"

Last edited by N2TRUX; 07-11-2016 at 10:04 AM.
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