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Old 07-11-2016, 11:03 AM   #13
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Re: Gas Tank Breathers

Originally Posted by chbracke View Post

Hahaha, yeah I don't like not knowing what something does or why it's there so I'd be looking for any way I could to pull that contraption off while doing the EFI conversion. The fuel that leaks out of mine comes from those breather lines because they're so short that they just lay over on the leaf spring at about equal height as the tank which just seems incredibly dangerous. If I park the thing on a steep hill I get gas running out, which is just like crossing your fingers that no passersby toss a cigarette out their window and burn my blazer to the ground... I think you're right on using a rollover breather but I'm wondering if I need to mount them as high up as the gas filler cap is-I'd guess so.
I don't think the lines should just go to nothing...I suspect that perhaps something has been removed and the lines were just left there.
Here are some pics of a '71 fuel tank set up on a truck that I has 3 tank vent lines that sorta interconnect and I suppose one leads up to an EVAP....?

Again this is a '71....the vent lines are on the driver side and go up into a device (rollover vent) inside the vehicle adjacent to the filler neck....
on my '70 they're on the passenger side going into that device (on the picture in the post above)

(rear of vehicle..... looking forward)
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