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Old 07-11-2016, 07:29 PM   #6
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Location: Calgary, AB Canada
Posts: 34
Re: 1956 GMC to 1959 GMC Conversion

Originally Posted by 59chev View Post
Wow!! That looks like a pretty nice truck to start with. I'll be following this one. Looks like you are making great progress. Where did you source the front fenders from? How is the fitment? I am debating whether I am better off to by replacements or fix my stock ones.

Looks like you are making alot quicker progress than I am. At the speed I am going it's going to be another couple of years before I am back out on the road.

The truck body was decent when I got it, the suspension was shot so I replaced it the way I wanted it to sit. It needs to be re-wired and I have the harness but will wait until winter to do it. The front fenders I ordered from LMC and the fit is pretty good, I had to open up some of the holes but nothing major. I am in need of a better front inner panel as mine is pretty banged up so may order one from LMC. The original front fenders that I have are usable but thought this would be a quicker route.

I was anticipating to have the truck finished a month and a half ago but life got in the way as usual, lol. Hoping to have it in it's new color soon.
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