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Old 07-12-2016, 11:57 AM   #74
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Re: Why a 2 piece driveshaft?

Originally Posted by Mike_The_Grad View Post
I had forgotten I was subbed to this thread, how strange I was notified of an update to this thread at the same time I'm facing a 2 piece driveshaft dilemma on my '72 custom/10 LWB with factory overload rear leaf suspension. I had removed the driveshaft a couple years ago to rebuild the 350 sbc, I had to remove the actual center bearing support bracket from the frame in order to remove the driveshaft. Now I can't remember which of the two 4-bolt bracket mounting locations (heightwise) is the correct one for my vehicle. I do have the factory assembly manual and it does not define which of the two is correct. It does differentiate between the two based on RPO#'s but only for 1968 vehicles, with no mention anywhere else in the entire book of any other production years.
Picture for reference and clarification on which holes I'm referring to.
all kidding aside. looking at your cross member it is covered with a lite suface rust except where the carrier bearing mounting brackets attach. the carrier bearing mounting brackets covered and protected the paint under the mounting brakets. That would be a clue as to where the brackets origonally mounted. Hpe that helps.
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