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Old 07-12-2016, 02:17 PM   #4
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Location: Summerville, SC
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Re: Covering door panels with vinyl

Yes, really easy to do this. Clean the panel well with wax/grease remover. Place the panel finish side down onto the back of the vinyl. Trace the panel onto the vinyl. Cut the vinyl leaving a 2" reveal around your pattern. Apply contact cement (quart size container from a hardware store and a cheap spray gun, alternatively 3M offers the contact cement in a spray can. Personally like the quart so I can use an acid brush to apply glue in hard to reach areas.). Spray the panel and then the pattern, let them set until about dry to the touch. Then lay the vinyl over the panel working from center, push the vinyl into the ribs on the panel working your way to the edges. Once you are satisfied, flip over and spray the reveal and the edge of the panel. Let tack and then fold the vinyl over, you can apply a little heat with a hairdryer to help stretch around the corners.

On the Level
Just a guy with a hammer and a grinder. OH!, and an HOA- enough said...:
"Some drink from the fountain of knowledge while others just gargle."

Last edited by Hellbent; 07-12-2016 at 02:24 PM.
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