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Old 07-13-2016, 12:15 AM   #11
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Saskatchewan
Posts: 25
Re: Urgent - brake/turn signal problem.

1,2, and 3 were all connected to the truck harness.

4, 5, and 6 didn't connect to anything. When I got the miles of electrical tape off, they just hung into space.

7 and 8 went to one of the taillights

9 and 10 went to the other.

11 was for the license plate light.

7,8,9, and 10 were all just twisted together (and again onto the wires from the taillight buckets).

The twisted together joints were covered with electrical tape, but one joint would be taped up, then the wires held together and tape wrapped around both. The whole thing was taped up into a mass that was about 1.5" around, and 6" long, and was then stuffed up into the frame.

I took 4 5 and 6 to be 'indicators' of what color each wire was supposed to be, and redid everything with solder, heatshrink, and new full lengths of wire.
'64 GMC 910
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