Thread: 1970 swb c-10
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Old 07-13-2016, 08:07 AM   #214
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Re: 1970 swb c-10

Originally Posted by jmking9 View Post
Overall, I'm impressed with the Ridetechs. The rear end doesn't bottom out anymore, and feels much less "bouncy" . The truck feels less harsh than before.
Also, I took it for a 80-90 mile trip this afternoon and broke over the 8k mile mark since finishing it in May (ish) of 2013. Most of those miles have came in the last 2 years. The whole first year I was worried too much about it not being "perfect" (it was never anywhere near perfect) if I drove it too much. But I've since realized that driving it is much more fun than looking at it in the garage. Driving it so much has caused it to loose that fresh look, particularly underneath. But I don't care anymore, i just love driving it too much.
On another note, I bought another project the other day. Just got it home this evening. Its a 67 Chevelle that was originally a marina blue Malibu. It has had 99% of the metal work that needed done finished. It currently has a 350/350 and actually runs and drives fairly decent. I will be starting a build thread soon in the alternate tinkerings section. I have a 68 camaro that I was working on slowly. I think I'm going to put it on the backburner and work on the Chevelle. Anyway, everyone loves pics...
I agree with you on driving the truck is much more fun than looking at it sit in the garage.
Very nice Camaro and Chevelle! I've been thinking about buying a CJ for the last few years... You have excellent taste in cars/trucks
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