Originally Posted by Raleighswb
I would like the measurements and part #s to help figure mine out thanks!
Ok. First, the info on my suspension. Rear ECE 6" springs, with ECE shock relocators. Front is ECE 2.5" spindle, 2" spring, stock shock mounts.
My rear measured:
Ride height-14"
Ridetech recommended pt#22059841 that are 10.65" compressed and 15.9" extended. My old shocks compressed were about 11.75" compressed, so they were too long.
Front measured:
Ride height: 11.5"
Compressed: 10"
Extended: 13.1"
Ended up going with the shortest eye/eye shock available, pt#22039841 that are 9.15" compressed and 13" extended.
This is what my particular setup measured. But I would recommend doing you own measurements.
If you have any other questions I'd be glad to answer them.