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Old 03-15-2004, 10:26 AM   #153
Don R. Dodson
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Gibsonville, NC
Posts: 42
This thread brings up an interesting response. I see all of this hauling and towing going on and from me trying to get my insurance ID card from Hagetry to present to my DMV for my license plate. Hagerty says that I can't use the truck for hauling, towing or Off road use using their Classic Car insurance. Is this the norm for using classic car insurance to cover the truck? My original classic car is a 67 Dodge Charger, and the truck is riding the coat tails of the Charger for Classic rates. Hagerty's feeling is that I can only drive one car at a time and only need liability coverage for one classic. They make their money by providing coverage for the agreed valued placed on the value of the classic vehicle. I had to sign an agreement that I wouldn't use the truck for hauling or towing. What are other opinions on this type of insurance coverage?
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~ Don ~
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