This is a 25% underdrive unit by Doug Nash (Now US Gear). It is basically the same thing as a Gear Vendors (Actually is rated 5000lbs more than a GV at 35,000lbs). This unit will replace the tail cone on your turbo 400 and will operate like a 2 speed rear end. It will actually give you 6 gears, but you most likely will not use all 6 gears. If you have a 3.08 rearend, with the underdrive on, it will be like having a 3.85 rearend, but you will still have the 3.08 for highway cruising. It also helps when you are towing because you can split between gears.
I was originally going to use it on my truck, but I realize it will be some time before I will get around to it, and the roller motor I am having built takes priority. It seems to be in very nice shape and was told that it was operating flawlessly when removed from a Suburban. They are known to be virtually indestructable with a rating of 35,000 lbs, but it is sold as is.
I got this for a very sweet deal and I will price it at the very sweet price of $695 plus shipping. For these units like these new, they are about $2500. Used ones on ebay usually go in the $1200+ range.
Here is a thread about this unit:
I am fickle, and I might change my mind on selling this at any time