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Old 07-17-2016, 10:23 PM   #19
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Re: Need help with my steering column

So I guess my column is a 68 since it has the red hazard switch. I replaced it with the one from GMC Paul's and hazards/ turn signals work great. However, my steering wheel is a later model one so I bought an old 67-68 one to get it back to original.

When I took the later model one off and installed the 67-68 one the horn button does not make contact with anything so it will not snap in place. I purchased the nut and washer I was missing and I have way more threads showing that the guy with the blue steering wheel above does.

So I take it I am missing a grommet or bushing or something in the column. Sucks to take it all apart again. Does anyone have an exploded view?
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