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Old 07-18-2016, 01:15 PM   #49
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Re: Dampening the 4/6 ECE - Properly!?!?

I got the CPP shocks installed this past weekend and wanted to update this thread...

They are night and day compared to the KYB excel G. I cant compare them to the RideTech or Bilsteins but I can say that the ride is significantly improved. The back of the truck would bounce up and down with the KYB shocks, it no longer does that. With the KYB shocks, you could tell that there was not enough control all around. Truck would wander and just feel unsettled. Bumps in the road were very pronounced. The CPP shocks are not expensive, they are the same price as the KYB gas adjust ($39) and are a much better match for the 4/6 kit. The truck feels much more planted, absorbs bumps better and does not bounce. A very significant improvement.

I have not tried the Gas A-just on this truck, but I have used them in the past on GM A and F bodies. They worked well and were an improvement over the stuff you got at the parts store. Being that they are the same price as the CPP shocks, it would be interesting to see how they compare.
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