Sorry to hear about this. Sucks to hear. I hope they not only find the truck, but catch the guys who stole it. Wouldn't be pretty if it was my truck and I found out who took it.
Originally Posted by Grumpy old man
There is nothing worse than finding an empty parking spot where you left your ride . Hopefully it's found in one piece and some teenager took a joyride .
As someone who works almost daily with teenagers, I can (unfortunately) almost guarantee it's not kids who took this truck for a joy-ride. Most kids today wouldn't have the slightly clue how to drive a 3OTT, much less hot-wire an old vehicle. Those kids who would know that type of info will have way too much respect for someone else's property to steal it outright, as they obviously would have a mentor in their lives showing them these finer skills. I agree with you Grumpy as it would be nice to see it back in one piece, but I'm guessing whoever took it saw it for the dollar-signs they could sell the parts for.