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Old 07-21-2016, 10:27 PM   #7
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Re: Yet another tire size question please

I personally like how these trucks look with wider and taller tires out back for a bit of rubber rake. Up to you how you want to deal with issue of having a spare though. I've seen some trucks that look really good with square stance (same size all around) too though.

Biggest piece of advice I can give is to measure your truck. Every truck is going to be a little different as far as drop and how big of a gap between the tire and wheel opening looks good can be subjective. So, on flat, level ground measure from the axle centerline to the fender/bed. Determine how much gap you want between the tire and wheel well opening and you now have the radius of your tire. Figure out your wheel size and then you can decode the exact tire size.

I personally would go with 18" vs 17" wheels. 18" is just more common these days and the tire selection is better.
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