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Old 03-15-2004, 11:01 PM   #9
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Jason, sent you some pics of the bed. Let me know if u need any others.

Roy, sorry about that, figured I'd throw them in with the bed, to sweeten the pot so to speak, lol.

Larry, I'll try to get u some pics of the super T10 I have over the weekend. It came in a 68 I bought with no engine (was a 327). PO told me it was in good shape with no problems. I need to get $300 for it.

Rolson, spencra was first in line but if he passes you can have them. If not they will go to Roy.

I'll keep everyone posted. BTW the four speed I believe is a Sagina - thanks Roy.

Last edited by ScottH; 03-15-2004 at 11:18 PM.
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