Thread: Brake Issues
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Old 07-24-2016, 01:10 AM   #12
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Re: Brake Issues

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
most guys don't bother to read the factory service manual as to how to properly bleed the brakes so they work right// holding the pin in helps to do this crucial tsask
Well, This would be me. I mean it's been years since I've had to bleed the brakes and come to find out I was doing it wrong. Good thing my buddy came down to help me look at the issue and we were chatting and I told him how I was bleeding the brakes and he said that's it your doing it wrong. Once we went around the truck again to bleed the brakes the correct way (pump, pump, pump, hold.. release the bleeder value and tighten) the rear brakes were stopping now. YES!!!

Also before that I also made the mistake of putting on the short brake pads on one side and the larger pads on the other. Big THANK YOU to midniteblues for pointing that out to me. I really wasn't looking at the brake pad but more the pattern of the brake pad itself. That's why I love forums like these. Good people helping each other out when they can.

Here's the after picture of the brake pads installed the correct way.
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