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Old 07-29-2016, 06:16 PM   #20
lyrikz's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: monroe washington
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Re: Started a new project. 1970 Blazer.

Figured i would give an update. I didnt realize i didnt update at all.
I planned on going 2wd and changed my mind. I just got off the phone with ORD placing a $3200 order with custom leafs and res. shocks. I lucked out and picked up a very straight second frame that i can build from. I also found a set of 3/4 ton axles i will be running.. i only plan on running this in the sand and some very rare mud, no rock action.

here are some random pics.

I started with the usual floor boards the rocker boxes look good. I peeled the rocker back and it was FULL to the top with mud and crap.

Opened up.

Just refitting everything.

New project. 1971 Twin Turbo blazer

My new YOUTUBE channel.. Videos of my truck and a current walk around.
Lyrikz74 Youtube channel DONE! SOLD!

My 1971 stepside build thread
My Build Thread UPDATED 6/11. DONE
and sold.
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