Re: 3 speed transmission is stuck in reverse
Originally Posted by Highsider
Sorry and hope it wasn't too serious, because reading this made me chuckle. 
Cheap floor shift (Sparkomatic) in my 51 Merc stuck between gears and the guy who was driving it forced it and blew out low and reverse. I had a hub cap removing tool in on the front floor board to slip down beside the shifter and pop it into neutral but he wouldn't wait for me to do
Founding member of the too many projects, too little time and money club.
My ongoing truck projects:
48 Chev 3100 that will run a 292 Six.
71 GMC 2500 that is getting a Cad 500 transplant.
77 C 30 dualie, 454, 4 speed with a 10 foot flatbed and hoist. It does the heavy work and hauls the projects around.