Thread: grill swap
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Old 03-16-2004, 06:38 PM   #5
Try spinnin 4 rear tars
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Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
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It will bolt right in!!! Well, remember that you will need to do something about your signal lights. Also, you will need take a cut-off wheel or torch, and cut (I can't think of the name) the bracket that bolts under the hood latch and also bolts to the outer grill. When you take it out, you will see what needs to be cut. THe bracket is perpendicular to the radiator support. It is just a couple hour job.

Here is what I did with my marker lights. I just tapped the radiator support and put my marker lights in the factory spot, just farther back.
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1970 C10, 2wd, LB, 307/TH350/3.08. PS, PB
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