Not sure what you are trying to do? install power steering? but will have to cut original column.
It should work stock with column shift , check out post #29 in Chuck Drivers build pictures
he used a van column but same concept, as you would only be modifying the bottom section of the column, past the linkage.
I bought a bearing and installed it in the lower stock column, only cost $5, a little time and a little tack welding, nothing complicated
Earlier Post:
Just finished installing a lower bearing in my stock column to use with on my Camaro clip, I bought 2 qty-R12zz bearings for $6 delivered off EBay, Actually only needed 1(+1 spare)
I cut the stock column and shaft off almost flush with the gear box
I then cut the tapered part of the column off so I have about 1 1/2" of shaft extended
the bearing is .030 larger than the ID of the column so I cut 4 slits in the end of the column and bent each tab of the column out slightly to accept the bearing.
I then welded a 7/8" washer on the end of the column and welded up the slits and ground smooth. Just had to weld slow not to overheat the bearing.
Simple & smooth $3 solution , No need for a $70-$80 column bearing saver.