Jinxy's 69 C10 Short Bed - let the journey begin
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08-05-2016, 10:53 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Ashland, KY
Posts: 63
Re: Jinxy's 69 C10 Short Bed - let the journey begin
Tonight my dad and I built a cab lift for my engine hoist. We didn't have any tubing that would fit into the large main piece so we improvised. I think this should work pretty good for lifting the cab.
Tomorrow we plan on sitting the cab on the frame so we can get the engine spacing set and install the transmission. Once I get that locked down I plan on getting a driveshaft made (1 piece) and then the exhaust routed.
A few more pics of some additional metal work. Fender cup on right fender replaced.
I got some dollies from harbor freight to move the roller around a little easier
Barry who is doing my metal work, this is his C10...its pretty bad ass. Has a Cadillac 472 engine thats been cammed, roller rockers, edelbrock carb etc.
He did all of the metal work on it and it is slick...
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