Re: Quick Quadraject question - Internal Leak?
Skinny - It ides at around 900-1000 when I turned the idle screw out further it started to stumble. I'm not sure what transition ports are (new to carbs).
Parot thank you very much for providing the link - I'll have to check the link and report back. Pretty sure it' ported as it's off the front of the carb. Again I'll have to read some more to make sure I'm correct.
I haven't set the timing yet so it could very well need adjustment. I picked up a timing light but I haven't had a chance to learn it yet.
I'm not sure what the vacuum is, I don't have any sort of tool to measure this and no stores loan them out (I already tried). Maybe I'll see if I can find a cheap one at princess auto.
Thanks again for the help guys