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Old 08-06-2016, 09:44 PM   #1
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Posts: 43
No throttle Dbw (pulling my hair out)

Ok guys I need some help I have a 69 c10 I installed a motor out of an 02 Tahoe
Dbw got a new harness and Pcm flash from Bp auto put it all in and it fires and idles perfect but absolutely no throttle.
Got a p0122 code went through the diag procedure and got my 5 volt ref got good power and ground going to tac module (it's the all plastic module which should be the right one) but on my scanner it shows no voltage when I jump the 5volt to the signal wire , I've checked the wires at tac module and when jumped the signal wire has 5 volts but nothing on the scanner I'm thinking its a tac module but wondering if I'm overlooking anything.
Any help or advise would be appreciated
Thanks Darrell
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