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Old 08-10-2016, 01:08 PM   #14
Russell Ashley
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Re: Does this Column saver save from cutting original column?

Originally Posted by pvienneau View Post
Russell, that looks great. Did you remove the whole shaft before cutting? I plan to remove mine for cutting.
Yes, I had it in and out a few times while working on it. I decided where I wanted to cut the housing and cut it first. Then I put the shaft back in and measured where to cut it allowing for the length of the column saver end piece and the length needed for the flat that you make for the universal joint. It's been about four years since I did mine, but if my memory is correct the bearing sever kit comes with good instructions on setting the flat bearing so that the shaft spins freely in the housing. It's not difficult at all, and as the old saying goes, measure twice and cut once.
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