Originally Posted by Orange Crate
I had similar troubles. I ordered three complete sets of rockers and none of them were worth a #@%#. I ended up modifying mine pretty close to what you did. It's just they way it is unless you want to pony up for a set of NOS rockers, they are out there if you search long enough. Get -R- done and move on......
That's exactly what I figured... I'm gonna keep on hammerin' on!
Originally Posted by hugger6933
I don't want to sound like a jerk, and I feel your pain but I think if you made about three more cuts your mighty close. Looking at the pics and remembering what I did on the last one I did, I made about three relief cut and two pie cuts and quite a bit of hammering to make me happy.
And as to speaking of NOS OE panels I remember doing rockers on a truck I gave my brother many years ago before I cared about this body style[I got in to them in his memory]They did not fit much better than some I have used lately. But back then the dealer had a pile of them seems like I gave like $25 bucks for them with my discount.
Hang in there and keep at it and it will work out. don't be afraid to cut it you can weld it up and don't be afraid to bend it you can make it right again
Nah... you're not being a jerk at all. I figured that I would just have to deal with installing them this way no matter what brand panels I used. I will probably have to make one more relief cut to get the weatherstrip rail to line up right. Thanks!