Originally Posted by Rust-O-Matic
Sorry if I hurt your butt, Ron. I think if you reread my post you will see I'm not interested in cheap Chinese repops either.
We are all entitled to our opinion, whether you agree or not. Thanks for your analysis of my financial situation just the same.
your quite right, you are entitled to yor own opinion, but is this internet talk or would you say that to the persons face.
I get the same reaction to my work frequently and usually i just mark it up to ignorance and not mine. I know where my market is and it is more than likely within 1/4 of 1%. the more tactful will say I can't afford that , it is not within my budget, it is not what I am looking for and that is the way the world is made up. every so often though some one reaches in their pocket and makes my day. then you get these ones, "what a rip off", "not worth it", "too much money" and you know it is a different class of person talking.
there a lot of people that make specialized stuff, limited in production or 1 of a kind. it cost more to make.
I would imagine that he has a limited market for those handles.