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Old 08-13-2016, 06:02 PM   #2
I know the pieces fit
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Re: Rock Auto WARNING

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
He didn't buy them from AC Delco, he bought them from Rock Auto who obviously doesn't stand behind what they sell...just pass the buck. I don't know how that would not bother anyone. I for one have not been conditioned into accepting big business BS and hate to think you or nyone ellse has. I am absolutely positive that is a bunch of bull crap. AC Delco is a manufacturer, not a reseller middle man, and the line about if they tested it to be of equal quality is the biggest lie yet. You can't see that's obvious? Right here we have proof from a fellow member, the whole reason this order was made in the first place. We need to stand up to the BS, not roll over and ask foor more...sheesh!
Tim, I did stand up to this. I don't know, maybe you missed my other posts in this thread. I contacted ACDelco about it since I hold them accountable for what's in their boxes. Apparently ACDelco is a reseller now.

Their reply:

Dear X:

Thank you for visiting the ACDelco website.

Please be advised that ACDelco is committed to providing the quality products that people have come to know and trust. Yes, some of our parts are made overseas, but the manufacturers have strict engineering specifications and guidelines that they must follow in order for the parts to pass the ACDelco standard of quality.

If you can provide specific part names or catalog part numbers, we will be happy to assist you in finding where the parts are manufactured.

For future inquiries, you can also contact our experts at the ACDelco support center by dialing 1-800-ACDELCO (223-3526).

We appreciate your business.


ACDelco Internet Response Team

That's BS to me and I let them know but tried to make my point more politely than that. My reply:

I understand this is becoming common, but if your business model is based on a perceived higher quality that you charge the customer a premium for, you can't box up cheaper parts and sell them. Not for long anyway. I will not buy your parts online as long as you continue this practice. And I'll only
buy them in person if I can open the box and verify I'm getting ACDelco
parts. I don't think you have a very good read on your customers. When you pay a premium for a part, it's because you want something better than common or average parts. Dorman sells Sunsong, it's considered a house brand.

Now I know that email will be read by someone working in a call center making minimum wage who doesn't give a rip and will delete it. But I will do what I told them and I won't buy their parts unless I can verify what's in the box first. It bugs me but all I can do is let them know what I think about it
and vote with my dollars. That and let friends know about it.

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