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Old 03-17-2004, 10:40 AM   #19
Lovin' Life in Miss.!
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Originally posted by chickenwing

But what if you had other accessories?.... Could you even find a serpentine pulley for an A-6 compressor?..."

You are right. With only those 4 pulleys everthing would have same rotation. I do not know if the alt and p/s pump are on the same plane though after you put on the pullies. With the v-belts they are not.
After thinking about it. I remember the serpentine power steering pump shaft was not tapered, while the v-belt one was. The pullies will not interchange. Pretty sure the late model pump will mount on v-belt brackets though. The pulleys on the alternators will definately swap.
If it does work, need to use both the alt and p/s to tighten up the belt. Only so good a foldin up those models in my head.
The truck... you hear that? No really, you did hear that?!!!
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