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Old 08-16-2016, 12:46 AM   #1
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Grounding 32/34 C1 advice

Okay guys I've been lurking on here for 4 or more years slowly picking away at my LQ4 swap.

Trucks a 1970

Trans is a 2000 nv3500 (5speed manual) mated to an 04 DBW LQ4.

After first start up It runs great however I have an issue where my engine will not rev over 1400 rpm.

Sent my ecu back to insure that "abuse mode" (there are two) was turned off to allow the truck to rev.

Still nothing.

So after some more reading I grounded pins 32/34 on connector C1(blue) which is supposed to initially make the computer think it's in Park/neutral.

Low and behold it'll rev up it appears to run great.

Will I run into any trouble by leaving 32/34 permanently grounded? I can't find any information throughout my searches.

VSS is also hooked up and working
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