Re: Grounding 32/34 C1 advice
I would presume the neutral safety or clutch safety was built in on the clutch pedal on the 2000 Silverado.
My 1970 never had an operational NSS in the years I had it, I'd be shocked to find out it was ever equipped with one.
It was a factory 250/sm465 truck.
I could care less if I had a NSS as it hasn't had one in the 20 years it's been in my family.
My friend who unlocked my pcm said he used the stock LQ4 mapping and put the nv3500 Trans segment in there.
The truck does start fine, but without pin 32/34 grounded it wouldn't rev over 1400/1500 rpm.
When in gear on stands it still wouldn't rev past 1400 even tho the VSS was registering 20k/ph
Once grounding the wires all seems fine it'll rev and drive on the stands (I have yet to actually drive the truck)
I understand that the gear selector or N/P function is good to have on an automatic as it adjusts idle for drive position, but for my manual truck I will be in neutral or have the clutch in at any stop light or while parked.
In theory any time the trucks in gear and the clutch is released I will be on the go pedal unless I'm coasting/engine braking in which rpm should already be up past the idle point. So I don't see how the P/N will effect my performance, however I could be wrong.
I don't mind leaving the 2 wires permanently grounded I am more so asking if this is something that could cause me issues down the road.
I could try putting a switched ground on it to see if it'll rev after seeing switched ground, then try installing a NSS but I don't see a need for it as it was never there to begin with
Thanks for reading and thanks for any input you guys have.