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Old 08-16-2016, 11:28 PM   #9
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Re: WTB Fan Pulley for 230 L6

Okay, so now I'm really confused. The pulley from your 230 is ~2.75" from front to back, which is the exact same as my current pulley.

As best I can tell, my new-to-me 4 blade fan plus what I believe to be the stock spacer is also ~2.75" front to back.

So even if I swap out to use your stock pulley, the pulley + fan would extend too far forward and would hit the radiator if the radiator was mounted in the correct rearward position.

So what gives? Is my entire engine somehow farther forward than it should be? Or am I incorrect about the OEM fan spacer size? Maybe the spacer shown in my picture is for some different configuration. It actually looks like it would fit fine if I didn't use a spacer at all, though I haven't dry tested it.

1965 GMC 1000 SWB Fleetside L6 230 - SOLD
Thanks everyone for the help over the years.

Last edited by Praxiss454; 08-17-2016 at 10:26 AM. Reason: photo died
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