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Old 08-19-2016, 09:29 AM   #14
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Location: Chattanooga TN
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Re: Project: That's not very original 1970 C10

With the bed finished up I was finally able to pull it off the rotisserie and put it back on the bed cart I built. I went ahead and built some bracing for the cab and mounted the cab on the rotisserie so I could begin the process of repairing it.

Used my trusty pot blaster and supplied air respirator to blast the floors and firewall on the cab. I only blasted to where it started blowing the metal out.

As you can see, there was a good bit of rot (more than I had thought )

I didn't blast the roof skin, or rear bulkhead on the cab. Didn't want to risk warping large, low crown panels.

And all clean, ready to start patching!

Stay tuned! More updates as I have time.

Instagram: harrisonspeed
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