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Old 08-20-2016, 04:49 PM   #172
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Re: Newbie thinking about diving into a '65 GMC 1000

Another minor setback today. I had ordered 6 replacement seat springs for my standard bench seat from 4-5-6 Chevy Trucks. When they arrived, I noticed the long section that supports the seat was round instead of flat. When I went to install one of them, it was a good 2.5" too short (18" front to back vs 20.5"). So now I gotta ship these back on my dime and see if he has the proper springs. Kinda frustrated about it all, because the seat is all torn apart to install the new springs, so I won't be on the road for at least another few weeks now.

As far as I know, my bench seat is original to my truck, but I suppose it's possible my bench is from another model year and this mix up is not their fault.

1965 GMC 1000 SWB Fleetside L6 230 - SOLD
Thanks everyone for the help over the years.
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