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Old 08-22-2016, 03:39 PM   #2
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Re: 96-99 5.7 vortec?

You can keep and reuse everything you have on your list with a Vortec motor. You will have to change the intake as an assembly to a carb conversion intake. I'm doing this exact swap on my truck with a Weiand Street Warrior 8121. It's still a small block Chevy so it will fit any regular SBC transmissions. You will need a 1 piece rear main flexplate though, but that should come with your Vortec engine. Valve covers may or may not swap depending on what bolt pattern you currently have.

Edit: Engine mounts are the same, just reuse the mouths off your '84. You can reuse your alternator/belt drive off the '84 too, but I'd recommend using the serpentine setup off the Vortec as its a much better system than the old v-belts.
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