Some NOS STUFF, Used and Re-pops
Not sure if the wood grain trim that's sealed is NOS or reproduction but it's really nice stuff. It would pass for NOS for sure. L& R window regulators that work as they should, rollers need some lube, maybe new ones...worked fine when they were pulled. Orginal bolts pulled off 69, will clean up
Nos door wood trim SOLD
Assorted other wood bed trim 25.00 each
NOS door edge guards 80.00
Window regulators 30.00
U bolts 20.00(pair)
Rear coil bottom bolts 10.00(pair)
Trailing arm bolts 10.00 (pair)
Plus the ride of course lol
Thanks, Rich
Last edited by jr1000yarder; 09-08-2016 at 02:06 PM.