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Old 08-26-2016, 08:20 PM   #287
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Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"


I enjoy seeing your progress (and your sometimes need for doggedness) on this build. I am learning how to do a little bit at a time, like you said. Rather than shoot for too much and get frustrated, and ultimately accomplishing less, which has been a pattern for me.

The front panel in the bed says much about your abilities with the bodyworking tools and with a spray can. It is hard for me to get an even glossy coat on something that big. It's always cool to me to see the less-than-20-buck solution when the alternative could have been in the hundreds.

I was (jokingly) curious about the math of 5 40 lb boxes (200 lbs) vs two big guys... and the candy got it done? Haha. Anyway, I also wanted to back you up on the painting of the inside of the bumpers. I've done it on one project and will be doing it again. It rusts there, it can actually be visible at certain angles. Nice work on that. Care to share the silver paint product you used? It looks good.

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