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Old 09-07-2016, 11:14 PM   #56
Run Away
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Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Posts: 68
Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log

With everything inside now I could work in the rain and dark.
Hammer and dolly on the inside of the pillar got rid of the bow

I need to bring home my 2" air grinder and some roloc disks to finish this area up. Grinding down welds with a 4.5" grinder at full speed isn't easy for the more delicate areas.

I also welded in some metal on the pitted areas here. Is this a bad idea?

Moved to the drivers side. Here I discovered a difference between the two cabs. My '69 cab has a much more pronounced body line beside the windshield, the '71 cab just has a gentle dip.

I made sure it all lined up everywhere else and used a chisel and hammer to try and make the transition from the one piece to the other a bit more gradual.

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