if you are too lazy to get the special tool (like me

), then you can push lightly on the door panel and push the grommets away from the door, and you can see the splined shafts that the handles are attached to. there will be a little "§Ù" shaped clip attached to the shaft that holds the handles on. to get them off, I wedged a flat screwdriver under the clip and popped it off. it flew about 6 or 7 feet and landed in my gravel driveway (was NOT fun to find...this is prolly why they make that special tool, lol). for the rest, i cupped my hand over the end of the shaft so the clip would fly into my hand, or i could take it off with my fingers. then you pull the cranks off and get to crack the door open.
also, when you go to put the handles back on, experiment with their positions, because you can move them to wherever you want on the splined shaft (as long as they dont hit the armrest). my window crank banged my knee so i moved it straight up when the window was closed, so no more knee bangin. good luck with your door problem.