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Old 09-09-2016, 11:37 AM   #24
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Location: Rancho Mirage, Ca.
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Re: Not sure of the Year

Originally Posted by TopFuel1966 View Post
If you can get him to take $500.00 for that truck, don't
My offer was because of what usable parts I saw. There is a reason why that truck is sitting and rotting away, the owner most likely is tired of dumping money into it and can see that a hole lot of money is needed to get it back to a rep presentable looking truck as it should be (my .02). People do what they do to personalize there things, I get that----but when a Vehicle gets to a point that it need a hole lot of lov'en which results in dumping a ridiculous amount of money into it then its time to chop it up and sell off what you can. People now days put a ridiculous amount of money on that old rusty part just because others want/need that part that's called **GREED** plain and simple. It is a shame that if we want that old rusty junker to get back on the road we have to spend more then we would have spent on a new Truck. To many people put a ton of money into there Truck and just look at it and never use it for what it was intended for in the first place. I don't like to see these/our trucks in a brand new shape in a car/truck Show with a dozen trophies around it with the owner standing around boasting about it and never having ever used it as a truck should be used for. That's a Dog & Pony Show. There is your $75,000 truck and that's why that old rusty part sells for 100 X's its real value.
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