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Old 09-11-2016, 11:04 AM   #43
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Re: Intended purpose of our trucks

I guess there are a lot of intended purposes depending on the person. some have two or more so they can cover all bases, some have one like me. my first one a few years back was just driven in fair weather, shows and was too nervous to park in public parking lots because of the very nice paint job. I was always waiting for an opportunity to get to drive it, but found one that already had the scars of 40 some odd years. Thats my kind of truck. I drive it every day, any where, and don't worry about a few more scars IF it happens. I work the heck out of it since its my only truck. I changed engine and transmission for a different appeal. I still get the compliments I got with the other truck, and they all enjoy the engine when I open the hood. (some never heard of one), Use them for what ever your flavor is and enjoy the heck out of it....
Thanks, Joe..
1969 C/10, 348 C.I., 3X2 bbl. V8, 2004r , LWB.
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