Re: Is a throttle on dash rare?
My Dad's 68 3/4T with 292 6Cyl and 4 Speed manual (and no power anything) is the only one I have ever seen in person with the throttle. It also had the manual choke. So, it had (4) knobs with the headlights and wipers on the left with the throttle and choke on the right.
We used it to pick up hay bales in the summer for one person. Put it in 1st gear, set the throttle, get out, walk ahead and grab a bale, then throw it in on the way by. We also used it like to one other poster suggested, to climb in back and scoop out feed into the feed bunk while the truck idled along.
Our truck was self-driving before self-driving was cool!
My dad also used it in the field as a second tractor before we had a second tractor. He would pull the truck into the field with a tandem disc behind it, then use the tractor to set the hydraulics for the depth of the disc, then lock it in low, and make it go. I think he usually pulled it in second gear, low range 4WD.
That truck would pull ANYTHING if it could get enough traction. I watched it sit and dig holes with the throttle set while he was trying to pull a tractor out.
1970 GMC K2500
Dis-use is harder on a car than mis-use.