Originally Posted by sawyerrm
So what are you DD guys doing for insurance? Hagerty generally won't cover driving to work, grocery store etc. so do you just have "regular" insurance with only liability and drape a religious medal around your rear view mirror hoping no one hits you?
Its a Daily Driver, yes its a solid truck but, far from perfect so its not a High dollar restored C10. just a nice clean truck , I carry a regular policy but ,its what is called a agreed amount policy, Not your usual market value policy and also I carry a extra glass policy within the fire,theft and what I call Rut season policy.
So as a update I am a click shy of 24,000 Miles since my last post , I have had 2 issues so far , I had gotten a bad tank of gas ,so had to replac the filter and clean out the carb , and just recently had to replace my Voltage regulator ...
I dont Hope no one hits me ,I enjoy driving my truck every day and I will tell you a little secrete ,I get more respect on the road with my c/10 then I ever did with any of my modrern drivers I put more miles on in 1 yr then most do in 4 or 5..try you will find it quite rewarding in many aspects as far as daily driving goes