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Old 09-13-2016, 01:08 PM   #1
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Posts: 465
1978 K5 Bucket Seats w/ Risers - New Upholstery

These are the buckets seats that I had reupholstered for my Blazer project. The risers were completely sand blasted and painted black. Passenger seat includes the limiting strap as well as the floor rubber cushions that soften the latching process. Driver's side slides very smoothly and locks in place on both sides for a nice positive feel. EZ entry latch is in great shape with no cracks.

I've got well over $1,000 into these seats and they feature a very nice tan marine grade vinyl with a Tan and light Tan houndstooth that looks great. If you are interested in getting more material to have your rear seat done to match I can facilitate that transaction as well. The reason I've replaced these seats is personally I found the non adjustable back rest uncomfortable. Many others I assume have no problem with this.

Shipping will be on a 48x48" pallet if you are not local to AZ, and the weight of the pallet will likely be around 125 pounds. Originating Zip code will be 85210.

$450.00 plus shipping. Shipping on a LTL freight carrier would most likely be around $150 depending on where you are at in relation to the main carrier lines. You can easily get a quote on UShip or similar website. I will be asking that the buyer setup the shipping. I've also shipped via Fastenal before with good results. I don't like to do Greyhound as I find it to be a big hassle.

Driver's seat:

Passenger Seat

Last edited by phillipm; 02-28-2017 at 02:13 PM.
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