Thread: Starter Help!
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Old 09-20-2016, 10:03 AM   #5
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Re: Starter Help!

Thanks everyone for the tips. Unfortunately I no longer can get the truck running at this time. I've charged the battery overnight and went back to start this morning (truck is stored in my garage that has a temp of 22 celsius). I'm not getting any clicking or any sort of firing.

The 2.15 is the amp draw I measure when the negative battery lead is removed and the millimetre positive node is on the lead. While the negative millimetre is on the negative post of the battery. From all the research I've done, there shouldn't be any amp draw when this is performed. And if there is, this is related to the fuse panel (in my truck there is only one panel under the driver side dash). As mentioned, I've pulled all the fuses and nothing seems to register.

Thanks for everyones input!
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