Originally Posted by ooimpalaoo
ok so i have a 71 k10 new bat new alt. if i leave the batt hooked up over night it will be dead when i get up to go to work the next day. after going throught all the wires headlight switch, ignition switch, starter cable, draw test, going crazy i did the simple thing and disconected the wire going from the batt to the alt now in not getting the spark that i was when i was hooking the batt up..... soooo im guessing that is it....now wtf is going on????? i was told somthing about a regulator?? wtf is that and what does it have to do with the alt? please help me out im so sick of removing my ground wire every night.. thanx 
Simply disconnecting the negative (or positive) battery cable won't "fix" anything except for a poor connection at the battery. Poor connections don't cause parasitic drains on the battery, they only cause increased electrical resistance. Pay close attention to what VetteVet said, as knowing that stuff is critical to owning an old vehicle. Most new technicians couldn't help you either, because there's no diagnostic port in these trucks.