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Old 09-23-2016, 08:16 PM   #7
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Re: P.S. or Rack and Pinion

Originally Posted by Jrainman View Post
there is alway Electric PS , they say the PS pump robs 10Hp, but any how I was looking in to using the 2003-07 Saturn electric unit a lot of guys do this conversion with good results
That electric unit is the same one that has had a recall on it. Though, GM has only recalled certain batch numbers. Ive had both the Cobalt version and a Saturn version go out.

Switching the load on the engine from a mechanical pump to a high current electrical load, is still a load nonetheless. Adding an electric pump means more amps, around 35-40 amps from some systems at lock to lock, and around 10-15 amps pretty steady otherwise. Those amps need to come from the alternator, which will most likely need an upgrade, along with the wiring if it's a 10 or 12si. On an inline 6, it's most certainly an alternator that was never designed to put out more than 60A.
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