Originally Posted by leftybass209
That electric unit is the same one that has had a recall on it. Though, GM has only recalled certain batch numbers. Ive had both the Cobalt version and a Saturn version go out.
Switching the load on the engine from a mechanical pump to a high current electrical load, is still a load nonetheless. Adding an electric pump means more amps, around 35-40 amps from some systems at lock to lock, and around 10-15 amps pretty steady otherwise. Those amps need to come from the alternator, which will most likely need an upgrade, along with the wiring if it's a 10 or 12si. On an inline 6, it's most certainly an alternator that was never designed to put out more than 60A.
Just Sayin other options are out there, and thanks for the input on your personal experience sorry to here you had problems with your electric unit .