Fixing Bedside Rust
Not sure if this belongs in the paint/bodywork side or here.
I just recently bought an 01 Sierra it looks pretty clean except for the bedside quarters above the wheels. I now understand why they make fender flares! Curious what you guys have been doing to repair this issue as it seems to be a common problem on these types of trucks.
One body shop I called said they haven't had good luck with the patch panel that is available since it causes rust to come back within the year in some cases. So they said to find a better box or else they would replace the whole bedside. This would be more than what I would want to spend on it.
The other body shop I called said they would prob just end using the patch panel, but they would most likely glue it to avoid the heat of the weld. This would be cheaper of the two.
What have you guys been doing to fix this issue?